
There is no doubt that Redshift is very powerful analytic database which can scale to meet very large needs. This means that it is valuable and is priced accordingly. Allocating more Redshift capacity than you truly need is an expensive luxury. This happens for a number of reasons and there are solutions to bring your Redshift costs down if this is the case.

At Weiner Advanced Development LLC we have improved the cost effectiveness of client's Redshift solutions. Addressing database configuration issues and query optimization can be significant parts of these improvements. There are other ways to improve Redshift cost that can make significant improvements for your workload. Cluster over-sizing is a large contibutor to unneeded spend and can happen due to ineffective data lifecycle policies or from impropper use of the workload manager. Utilizing concurrency scaling and Redshfit Spectrum can also enable smaller clusters to meet your needs. Temporal workload patterns can also enable scheduled changes to your clusters to reduce your spend.

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